A month left to sign up!
Hiii everyone! Yes, I am still here, and just came back from a little bit of a “staycation” with the RL hubby to rejuvenate my health and my brain to prepare me for this week of attempting to “cold-call” on stores along with my other SL responsibilities (I gotta pay bills too:D), so I can bring in some more great stores into the hunt!:D I am sliding my own high-heeled sneakers to hit those teleports hard today, so help me by applying before I have to hunt you down!:D
Please do me a favor, and read through the Merchant Rules, check if your store fits the requirements for the hunt…. I am not strict really, but I do like to make the hunt easy for you, me, and allllll our hunters we are going to send to you:D
I guarantee you, it’s worth the effort;)
The theme this round is “Fall of Rome”. Are you sitting there going, “What the heck can I make for that theme???”, we named it that way for a reason;) Not just for a historial theme aspect, but also you can interpret it as you wish… Fall/Autumn theme, Rome as in just something historially or normally thought of as Roman (togas, wraps, and towels are BIG right now in SL, with all the spa sims! Hint hint!)… have some FUN with it! We love items from all aspects of the mature/adult-friendly creator community! Clothing, furniture, accessories, poses, artwork, buildings, anything that you think will fit into our hunt.

Application is waiting for you, come on in and read it carefully! Please note the instructions for hwot save the application so you can edit it on your own;)
Lusty Regards,
Leannan McCormick
Owner/Founder/Main Slave to the Cock
Hunt for Your Inner Slut (HYIS)
HYIS HQ for 2021: (the whole parcel is an adult hangout, courtesy of Boulevard 3)
Permanent Headquarters: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rancourt/180/71/690
HINTS: https://www.sluthunts.com/hints/
Website: https://www.sluthunts.com/
Application: https://www.sluthunts.com/merchant-info/hyis-application/
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/huntforyourinnerslut/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuntForYourInnerSlut
Discord: https://discord.gg/YheNhwA