Hunt For Your Inner Slut:Reborn is announced
Hello, old and new hunters!
As you might have noticed, there has been a slight change in the settings around here. I have decided I am well enough to bring our beloved hunt back to life, but we are bringing her back, with a twist…..HYIS:Reborn is a rebirth, a restart with the mindset of the original plan, but keeping with the technologies that Certified Lunasea (owner of C3 Custom Scripts and our amazing scriptkitty who puts up with me breaking this website he also maintains) ingeniously put together to make this hunt the beautiful thing it truly became for so long.
Hunt for Your Inner Slut was originally dreamt up as a plan to bring more customers to the merchants who rented from a dirty urban sim I used to be a part of in 2011. When things fell through there, I decided that I wanted to reach a broader group of people, and introduce them to old AND new stores, help them discover new places they might not have seen, try out new things….. and in turn bring in more business to the merchants who wanted to have some fun WITH their customers. I wanted it to be not just another hunt, but a community. In 2012, we launched with just me, a handful of stores, and a butterfly as the original mascot, to symbolize the freedom of truly finding the slut within each of us and letting her loose.
VERY few got the beauty of the symbolization, so the cock, Mr. Happy, came about;)
HYIS:Reborn will be the beginning of a new line of HYIS rounds. We are still debating how we are going to count these (Roman Numerals, anyone?), but these changes are now in effect:
*Currently I am the only official employee of HYIS. Cert requested to step back, and he does help still, but he is not fully back. Scripting and Website issues, he can help with, but anything pertaining to the hunt, please come to Leannan. I have two men who are going to be helping me with store research and Discord server moderation and hunt relations during the hunt, but be gentle, they are new. Make sure to say hi to Ryan Star (RyanCloud Resident) when you see him around. Stefie Lockjaw will also drop in from time to time.
*NO applier clothing. The only appliers should be skin, tattoos, makeup, polish. Bakes-on-Mesh is okay, but preferably not clothing at this timeā¦.. I don’t want people just slapping an old system texture out and calling it BOM.
*NO Flexi clothing or hair.
*Clothing must be mesh (Bakes-on-Mesh clothing is not permitted this round at this time. I might change my mind if I see good stuff). I know I just said that twice in two different ways;)
I am so excited about this round. The headquarters are set up, I am still decorating and getting the application form ready and starting to search for new stores. We are still in the process of making a few changes before we fully open the doors, but the HQ Church is open to the public.
Only 3 months til we are together again, my favorite cock-hunters….. I cannot wait to see you again.
Love, Light, and Lusty Regards,
Leannan, Owner/Main Slave of the Cock
Hunt for Your Inner Slut