Announcing Get Splashed! and more!
I have so much exciting news to tell you all about!!
First bit of news that you have probably been anticipating: we are finally announcing the next hunt round, which is named “Hunt for Your Inner Slut: Get Splashed!” It will start July 1, 2023 and end July 31, 2023. I haven’t done a season-themed one in a little bit, and I figured even those in the Southern Hemisphere who will be experiencing winter during that time would probably also appreciate a nice pool-party-inspired ambiance in our hunt this time around.

Secondly, did you notice the date? For those who have been with us for awhile, you will notice that this is the first time since 2011 that we have started on the 1st instead of the 15th. We are hoping that this will end up being less confusing for the designers, and allow more people to be ready in advance of the launchday of the hunt.
Thirdly (but NOT the least important!), we have been honored by Ely Catronis joining our team as our assistant to help keep my ass in line, and help keep us afloat if my health should go under again. Certified Lunasea is still my second-in-command and in charge of all things scripty and codey and websitey, but Leannan and Ely will be the two people that the store owners and hunters will see the most:)
For all your store owners wanting to get those applications in, please do me a favor:
- Read the changes in the updated Merchant Rules and Merchant Timeline .
- Open the application and READ the top portion of it slowly, making sure you understand how to SAVE YOUR APPLICATION URL for editing later;)
- Fill out the application.
- Start working on your item NOW. Even if you are not approved, you can sell it, right?
As promised, all HYIS hunts will now be run TWO times a year, to make sure that our merchants have enough time to get out QUALITY items that match the level of quality, energy, and sensuality that we are stiving to bring our Hunt for Your Inner Slut back to. We won awards for our work before, we will again;)
Love and Lusty Regards,
Leannan McCormick Taka-Trevellion (legacy: Sufferingfrom Lockjaw) – Founder/Main Slave;)
Certified Lunasea (legacy: Certified Lunasea) – Scriptkitty/Webmaster/Codeslinger;P
Ely Catonis (legacy: Elyisa Resident) – Assistant and Cattleprodder