Same Texture, new date!
After yet another sickness (hey, it was a change of pace! Norovirus this time, not my kidneys…lol! do not recommend, -5/10 stars! ), I finally am fixing the hunt back up right.
Today was the texture, and remaking the signs, and reminding you all we are still alive and have applications still open for the January 2022 hunt that IS GOING TO HAPPEN! lol
We all need to have some fun, so we are continuing on with the plan for Fall of Rome, which will give our designers and creators out there some fun with the historical and textural challenge of it, and will break us from the Christmas insanity we are already getting so much of;)
Come join us, check out the Merchant Rules before applying to join the hunt🙂 No charge to apply, no charge to be in it, just make sure your store is within our rules so you aren’t surprised when you find out the hunt object is a big golden cock:D
Love and Light and Lusty Regards,
Leannan McCormick-Taka
Owner/Main Slave to the Cock for Hunt for Your Inner Slut
Permanent HQ:
HQ at Blvd3 (Adult hangout with a naughtier church :P)