State of the Hunt Address
Hi Everyone.
As you all know I am a buge believer in honesty. So I am going to be fully honest.
I have had a really, really bad year, and I apologize. I have been truly and utterly sick with one thing after another after another the whole year. During that time, I have lost two of my beloved ferrets (Goofy and Minnie, Daisy is still alive), my SL mother died very suddenly from a hereditary heart condition, I had a complete and total upheaval of my Second Life 3 times, I became the only employee of HYIS… and during all that, I have barely been able to function enough to DJ enough to keep my SL bills paid, as I have actually had to take more time off in this last year from running Hunt for Your Inner Slut and my regular DJ career than I have in my whole 12 years of Second Life put together.
Honestly, to my own personal work ethics, these are still shitty excuses for not staying in better contact. I have let this lapse and I am so sorry for that.
Currently I am finishing up the second bout of a kidney infection and trying to work through some kidney stones. As soon as we can get me healthy enough to function with the least amount of pain, Hunt for Your Inner Slut WILL be back. And I want us to be stronger than ever, and for my merchants to really put their hearts into making gifts that are worthy of their store and our hunters.
For those who have been standing behind me and praying for me and sending healing thoughts, I greatly appreciate it. It’s been a rough time, and I miss you all more than you know.
Love and Light,
Hunt for Your Inner Slut