As promised, the next hunt has been announced, and it is going to be sooo much fun to make happen!
I was trying to come up with a theme, and decided to bounce some ideas off people int eh chatroom, and between a few of my long term store owners and hunters and my helper Ryan and I, we came up with the perfect theme: Desperate Slutwives!
I posted a little teaser pic on Facebook and Flickr a bit ago, which will help to explain the sign background…. I figured this would be a really fun theme for my store owners and hunters alike, seeing what they come up with:)
The next couple months will be a lot of planning for the hunt and the parties and everything I REALLY want to plan for all of you. I want to truly bring the fun back into hunting;)
Hunt for Your Inner Slut is LIVE!!!!!!!! Get your hunt on!
We rose, we flew with the eagles for awhile, we soared, then we got ill and weak, we crashed….. but now we rise from the ashes, just like the Phoenix, being reborn into what we were meant to be, what we were born to be in the beginning………………….
Yes, the sneaky little golden cock is back from his vacation, and raring to see you all again! We launched yesterday with a few little bumps in the road, but everything is running beautifully, we survived 15 hours of partying WHILE doing the first day of hunting, and we would LOVE to see all of YOU on the hunt!
This time there are only 14 stores; don’t worry, next one will be bigger:)
It’s almost time! Remember to get ready, and if you need any help, ask in the group chat! After 11:59pm (23:59) SLT (about seven hours from this post), please click the button above that says HINTS and the SLURLs will show along with the hints provided:)
I can’t wait to see you all!!!
All day long, Surfers Bay V.I.P. will be celebrating along with us, with 8 DJs (I am one of them) to party out with you between stores and after, and to rejoice in the relaunch of our beloved hunt!:D Keep an eye out for the next post for more information.
Surfers Bay V.I.P is a humans only (next 2 parties will be inclusive) beautiful beach resort with lots of surfing and boating and jetskiing options, as well as the live DJs all day for your entertainment choices between hitting the stores:D
YESSSS!!!! It’s that time!!! Time to get the hunt ready to launch!
It’s going to be a little hunt this time, but we are coming back from the ashes, right? But, we got some of the best and brightest stores, and some upcoming new stars in the designer industry… I cannot wait til you get to see them, and what they are creating for you!
OUR AMAZING SPONSORS: Store #001 – ZFG Store #002 – NAUGHTYbits Main Store Store #003 – Muggleborn Store #004 – Serendipity Designs
OUR AMAZING STORES: Store #005 – Fantasy Furnishings Store #006 – MP Noir Store #007 – NAUGHTYbits @ Boulevard 3 Store #008 – Sour Pickles Store #009 – Ari-Pari Store #010 – Moon & Back Creations Store #011 – BLASPHEMIC Store #012 – Prairie Store #013 – Ciara’s Creations Store #014 – NAUGHTYbits @ The Bull Pit
Mark your calendars, set an alarm to get up early on the 15th of January! Because not ONLY am I going to have this hunt, but there is a grand opening ALL DAY celebration party I am planning at Surfers Bay VIP, with several parties also planned at Boulevard 3 and NaughtyBits during the month of the hunt.
Lustful Regards,
Leannan McCormick (Sufferingfrom Lockjaw)
Hunt for Your Inner Slut’s founder/main cock slave
I don’t think I need to add much else into this preamble:D I have tried being the photographer for my own hunt, and I have tried just having friends blog for me. But, my store owners deserve better. They deserve good bloggers.
I am not a huge blog follower, even though I have blogged in the past myself (I am horrid at it, other than knowing what I LIKE in a blog). I am not going to be snobby and give minimum followers/faves/views/all that bullshit. I am going to go with my gut. I want to see good, clear photography, some real personality, classy but erotic adult bloggers. Old and new bloggers, but I would like if you have at least a year of steady blogging; as a self-proclaimed shitty blogger, you can understand why I don’t blog for myself, so I am choosing people better than me. hee:D
The hunt is not til January 2020, so don’t worry…. we have PLENTY of time.
Yes, that’s right, folks, I am REALLY bringing her back from the ashes! Please make sure to read ALLLL of the Merchant Rules and make sure that your store fits the basic guidelines. Remember, only mesh (no flexi, no prim only) and non-clothing appliers (skins, tats, etc are okay, default or applier clothing are not okay) – next round, we can talk about BOM a bit more in between:)
The application is pretty simple.. make sure to make a copy of your edit URL (you can Bookmark it for future use!), so you can help us edit if you move, etc.
I cannot wait to see you all again, old and new, and have a great time on the hunt ahead.
Love, Light, and Lusty regards,
Leannan, Main Slave of the Cock
Hunt for Your Inner Slut: Reborn January 15 – February 15, 2020
As you might have noticed, there has been a slight change in the settings around here. I have decided I am well enough to bring our beloved hunt back to life, but we are bringing her back, with a twist…..HYIS:Reborn is a rebirth, a restart with the mindset of the original plan, but keeping with the technologies that Certified Lunasea (owner of C3 Custom Scripts and our amazing scriptkitty who puts up with me breaking this website he also maintains) ingeniously put together to make this hunt the beautiful thing it truly became for so long.
Hunt for Your Inner Slut was originally dreamt up as a plan to bring more customers to the merchants who rented from a dirty urban sim I used to be a part of in 2011. When things fell through there, I decided that I wanted to reach a broader group of people, and introduce them to old AND new stores, help them discover new places they might not have seen, try out new things….. and in turn bring in more business to the merchants who wanted to have some fun WITH their customers. I wanted it to be not just another hunt, but a community. In 2012, we launched with just me, a handful of stores, and a butterfly as the original mascot, to symbolize the freedom of truly finding the slut within each of us and letting her loose.
VERY few got the beauty of the symbolization, so the cock, Mr. Happy, came about;)
HYIS:Reborn will be the beginning of a new line of HYIS rounds. We are still debating how we are going to count these (Roman Numerals, anyone?), but these changes are now in effect:
*Currently I am the only official employee of HYIS. Cert requested to step back, and he does help still, but he is not fully back. Scripting and Website issues, he can help with, but anything pertaining to the hunt, please come to Leannan. I have two men who are going to be helping me with store research and Discord server moderation and hunt relations during the hunt, but be gentle, they are new. Make sure to say hi to Ryan Star (RyanCloud Resident) when you see him around. Stefie Lockjaw will also drop in from time to time. *NO applier clothing. The only appliers should be skin, tattoos, makeup, polish. Bakes-on-Mesh is okay, but preferably not clothing at this time….. I don’t want people just slapping an old system texture out and calling it BOM. *NO Flexi clothing or hair. *Clothing must be mesh (Bakes-on-Mesh clothing is not permitted this round at this time. I might change my mind if I see good stuff). I know I just said that twice in two different ways;)
I am so excited about this round. The headquarters are set up, I am still decorating and getting the application form ready and starting to search for new stores. We are still in the process of making a few changes before we fully open the doors, but the HQ Church is open to the public.
Only 3 months til we are together again, my favorite cock-hunters….. I cannot wait to see you again.
Love, Light, and Lusty Regards,
Leannan, Owner/Main Slave of the Cock Hunt for Your Inner Slut
We rose, we flew with the eagles for awhile, we soared, then we got ill and weak, we crashed….. but now we rise from the ashes, just like the Phoenix, being reborn into what we were meant to be, what we were born to be in the beginning………………….
As you all know I am a buge believer in honesty. So I am going to be fully honest.
I have had a really, really bad year, and I apologize. I have been truly and utterly sick with one thing after another after another the whole year. During that time, I have lost two of my beloved ferrets (Goofy and Minnie, Daisy is still alive), my SL mother died very suddenly from a hereditary heart condition, I had a complete and total upheaval of my Second Life 3 times, I became the only employee of HYIS… and during all that, I have barely been able to function enough to DJ enough to keep my SL bills paid, as I have actually had to take more time off in this last year from running Hunt for Your Inner Slut and my regular DJ career than I have in my whole 12 years of Second Life put together.
Honestly, to my own personal work ethics, these are still shitty excuses for not staying in better contact. I have let this lapse and I am so sorry for that.
Currently I am finishing up the second bout of a kidney infection and trying to work through some kidney stones. As soon as we can get me healthy enough to function with the least amount of pain, Hunt for Your Inner Slut WILL be back. And I want us to be stronger than ever, and for my merchants to really put their hearts into making gifts that are worthy of their store and our hunters.
For those who have been standing behind me and praying for me and sending healing thoughts, I greatly appreciate it. It’s been a rough time, and I miss you all more than you know.
As you all know, we have been having quite a few postponements in the last year. I am hoping that this is the last one, ever, if I can plan this right…..
The first one this year was due to us losing the website due to miscommunication and me not knowing to pay the webmaster by a certain date. Him (not and I both were at fault, and I have corrected that by our new website,, being paid directly by me. The hosting at the current moment is by Certified Lunasea as a favor, and I pay him directly for it.
This last one is due to the sim our headquarters was in being given back to the land owner. Kyra Ishtari of Serendipity Designs has stood behind me time and time again, as a friend and a fellow creator and a member of this hunt for years now…. and not only took in Hunt For Your Inner Slut and our HQ church, but also took in my store (Erotipose) for a long time. I wish i could come up with ways to thank her suitably for all she has done, and I hope she can bring Serendipity Designs back to SL and back into HYIS someday in the future. I am proud of her, her growth, and her future…. and not least of all, our friendship.
Due to the changes, I am going out of my way to make sure that we do not have to worry anymore about HQ placement, etc. I will be working between now and January to secure a small adult parcel for the HQ, that I am renting directly in some way. I want to the HQ to be a reliable place, and right now, this is too many LMs in my inventory to my HQ past locations that are telling me, I need to find something stable for us.
Also, due to RL death in my SL family and other pressing matters, we have decided to have the hunt start Feb 15, 2019. This gives you all PLENTY of time to plan what you want to make, and for me to get some new blood in the hunt:)
Please stick with me, the future is going to be slutty;)
Lusty Regards.
Leannan McCormick
Hunt for Your Inner Slut